Let's bring your company to the next level.
Together we identify issues and strategically plan solutions for you and your business to succeed. Expand your time, your reach and your revenue with CDCI Solutions.
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About CDCI Solutions
Founded by Christy Dudgeon, a small business owner who at the age of 20 learned she was in way over her head. There is more to business than just a great idea. After seeking guidance for everything from learning Quickbooks to hiring employees, she spent years growing, improving and reorganizing her and other small and mid size businesses. Now she utilizes all of her failures, scar tissue, successes and experience to get other small businesses on track. CDCI Solutions is your Quickbooks Training, Business Advice, Website Design and Marketing Setup and that outside, unbiased and nonjudgmental perspective that you need as a business owner.
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How we can help your business
Virtual Consulting
We meet virtually over zoom or Google Meets. Requests for in-person assistance can be accommodated. Schedule a Free Consultation Here